Sunday, October 16, 2016

Mahananda Health Crisis (gofundme)

1 comment:

    I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind donations totaling $2500 . Since my rent was several months behind and I was facing eviction on Oct 15th, my friends who created this Gofundme advised me that to pay off a few months rent was priority so they gave $1725 to my landlord. The $775 left of the donations were used in this way. $200 Gofundme fee,$100 transportation, $150 for herbs, supplements, and super foods,$85 small, misc. medical supplies, $65 for groceries,$35 cell phone, and $140 left over for misc expenses/ I pray that this was a proper use of these kind donations. I am forever grateful. Your humble servant, Mahananda dasa
    I am thinking to leave my Gofundme up for a little while longer


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